Our compassion for those in need is what drives us.

The gifts your employee volunteers make will immediately benefit nonprofit organizations that help people at risk or in need. Caring Capital has reached over 115,000 children, families, seniors, service members and counting.

We maintain relationships and connect you to nonprofit partners, some of which include:
  • At-risk youth
  • Homeless families
  • Ailing seniors
  • Veterans
  • Cancer patients
  • People displaced by natural disasters
  • Others of your choice
Caring Capital maintains relationships with hundreds of helping organizations. We will:
  • Help connect you with an appropriate nonprofit partner
  • Link you to a national organization so you may engage employees in multiple cities at once, all benefitting the same cause
  • Guide you in welcoming a speaker at your event from the recipient organization

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Your act of kindness reinforces your understanding of our services, which strengthen and empower victims of domestic violence. It is comforting for our clients to know that members of our community care so deeply and are always ready to help.

Jersey Battered Women’s Services